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We manage your endowment
so you can manage your land.

Why Choose Eco Endowment Solutions?

Your focus should be on the care and protection
of habitats, not on money.

  • We provide investment management and financial expertise for your environmentally-focused endowment
  • We strive to generate sufficient capital for you to meet your long-term management obligations for your mitigation and conserved properties, and your organization
  • Decades of experience in financial management and long-term land conservation

Experience Matters.

Our clients include 20+ land trusts, mitigation banks, and conservancies in six states - and growing!

EES currently manages over

$4.5M in environmental assets


Get Started in
Four Easy Steps

Free consultation with our
investment managers

Free review of investment plan
& legal requirements

Sign agreements

Open investment account -
NO account opening fees

Once Active:

Receive regular reports from EES & check your
account via portal as often as you want!

  • Stephen Colomb

    Eco Endowment Solutions has been great to work with due in part to their responsiveness and cooperation on every project. It manages endowments for several of our projects and we look forward to working with them on many more.

  • Michael Malley

    EES has presented to our group - the Surplus Property Roundtable - and our members have seen value in their creative and flexible investing approach.

    Michael Malley
    Surplus Property Roundtable
  • Amelia Savage

    Eco Endowment Solutions has approached endowment investing in Florida in a creative and client-oriented way; I recommend them and look forward to working with them on more projects in the future.

    Amelia Savage
    Hopping Green & Sams, P.A.

Let's Get Started

Contact us today to discuss how a partnership with Eco Endowment Solutions can grow your capital.

Carmel Capital Partners is an SEC registered investment adviser. Carmel’s investment advisory services are available only to residents of the United States in jurisdictions where Carmel is registered. Nothing in this material should be considered an offer, solicitation of an offer, or advice to buy or sell securities. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns [or probability projections] are hypothetical in nature and may not reflect actual future performance. General Disclaimer: The information provided represents the opinion of Carmel Capital Partners and is not intended to be a forecast of future events or guarantee of future results. It is not intended to provide specific investment advice and should not be construed as an offering of securities or recommendation to invest. Not for use as a primary basis of investment decisions. Not to be construed to meet the needs of any particular investor. Not a representation or solicitation or an offer to sell/buy any security. Investors should consult with their investment professional for advice concerning their particular situation. Carmel Capital Partners and their representatives do not provide legal advice. Your tax, legal and financial situation is unique. You should consult your legal advisor for advice and information concerning your particular situation. Pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Carmel Capital Partners must provide clients with certain financial information.